• uses
> const me = Dev.get('fr1sk');> console.log(me.uses());This page is inspired by and down there 👇🏻, you can find the tools that I have been using in my workflow, the gadgets I play with to perform security research 📟, and the gaming consoles that I enjoy.
💿 Software & Tools
- Editor: VS Code + Vim ext
- Terminal: iTerm2 + Tmux + Powerline
- Shell: Fish
- Browser: Arc // Safari and Chrome as well
- Font: Operator Mono
- Theme: Dracula
- Window Manager: Yabai + SKHD // i3wm for macOS
- DB IDE: IntelliJ DataGrip
- Operating System: macOS & Linux
- Productivity: Raycast // after using alfred for decade
- Organization: NotePlan
- Clipboard Manager:
- Screenshots: CleanShot X
- Password Manager: Dashlane
- Bookmarks:
- App Suite: Setapp
- Menu Bar: Bartender + NotchNook
📡 Security Research Gadgets
- Multipurpose: Flipper Zero [GPIO: LDDB & BFFB]
- SDR: HackRF with PortaPack 2 & RTLSDR v3
- RFID/NFC: Chameleon Ultra
- WiFi/BT: Marauder Mini by JCMK
🕹️ Gaming Consoles
- Sony: PlayStation 5 // retro PSP & PS1
- Nintendo: Switch OLED with HWFLY v6